7 min read

Alignment Climate

It is becoming necessary for financial actors to take ownership of and integrate climate issues into the heart of their investment strategy, especially with the development of regulations, such as the European Green Pact and Article 29 LEC, which require actors to measure the alignment of their investments/portfolios with low-carbon temperature trajectories. This measurement can be done through the Alignment-Climate metric which allows financial actors to respond to several challenges and issues.
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Mar 24, 2023

What is Alignment-climate?

Climate alignment is a metric derived from mathematical models that can be used to define whether a company or a portfolio of assets is aligned with a trajectory to limit the rise in global temperature (to 2°C or 1.5°C, for example) within a defined timeframe.

The degree of alignment can be expressed :

  • Qualitatively: the portfolio is or is not aligned
  • In the form of a score
  • As a percentage (% alignment of portfolio assets)
  • In the form of animplied temperature rise(e.g. 2.5°C)

Alignment-climate is a metric that forms part of a forward-looking approach, which involves projecting one or more scenarios over a time horizon.

This metric :

  • Is a complex exercise with a strong intention;
  • Based on the tools of scenario analysis ;
  • Incorporates a dynamic, forward-looking dimension, projecting issuers into the short, medium and/or long term.

How does this metric fit into the regulatory landscape?

Numerous regulatory initiatives aim to promote (i) transparency, (ii) responsibility and (iii) the alignment of investments with a low-carbon trajectory. These include the European Taxonomy, SFDR, Article 29 of the LEC, MiFID II and DDA ESG, and the AMF Doctrine. The latter entail risks for financial players: backtracking, legal issues or marginalization of the offer.

Measuring the Climate Alignment of portfolios helps mitigate these compliance risks, particularly those associated with the SFDR regulation and Article 29 LEC. Since July 2022, the latter requires asset management companies to communicate on the alignment of their investment strategy with greenhouse gas mitigation objectives, based on 2 objectives:

  • The Paris Agreements (limiting temperature rises to below 2°C)
  • National low-carbon strategy (only if the investments underlying the financial product are made entirely in France)

  • La stratégie nationale bas-carbone (uniquement si les investissements sous-jacents du produit financier sont entièrement réalisés en France)

Focus on Article 29 requirements

The climate alignment metric includes all the above information in its methodology. In this way, you can turn this regulatory context into a differentiating force in your strategy!

The regulatory requirements of Article 29 LEC and the complexity of alignment-climate methodologies pose major challenges for financial players:

  • Operational challenges: selecting the right climate-alignment solutions for your needs and knowing how to integrate and implement them in your ESG processes;
  • Analysis challenges: leverage complementary approaches and solutions to identify key insights and spot weak signals;
  • Strategic challenges: integrate and articulate climate alignment with a more ambitious and differentiating global sustainable investment strategy!

What are the uses of metrics?

The degree of data quality control must be proportional to the use made of it!

What are the challenges facing financial players with regard to this metric?

1. Understanding: make the metric your own and use it as a relevant indicator in investment decisions

  • Deconstruct the metric by deciphering the underlying methodological choices, assumptions and approximations
  • Know and understand methodological limitations and the scope of results

2. Stability and data: select an indicator based on a robust methodology to build a coherent and ambitious sustainable investment strategy

  • A stable methodology over time (low impact of methodological changes)
  • Ensure data availability and quality (good coverage of the portfolio by the metric, have real data and limit estimated data)
  • as well as the scope of the results

3. Regulations : meet all regulatory requirements to limit the risk of non-compliance in a context of rapid regulatory change

4. Transparency : build a transparent and comprehensible sustainable investment strategy that limits the black box effect

Be able to explain the metric to the end investor

Deploying a Paris Agreement alignment strategy: where to start?

While the definition of a common methodological framework is necessary, in reality there are as many possible approaches as there are combinations of these assumptions and methodological choices.

The key to an ambitious, holistic and differentiating investment strategy is to leverage complementary solutions to extract key insights and spot weak signals!

In short, you need to follow 3 steps to get there:

1. Clearly and transparently define the methodological framework and technical choices‍

The definition of the methodological framework refers to all technical choices of indicators, scenarios and the conversion of these scenarios into benchmark trajectories.

Strategic and methodological choices to be made :

  • Input data (GHG emissions, technology mix, etc.)
  • Coverage (corpo rate / sovereign, scope 3, carbo-intensive sectors)
  • Scenarios: 1, 2, or more scenarios
  • Benchmark (absolute emissions, eco or physical intensity, etc.)

2. Data to measure the climate performance of its assets and, by aggregation, of its portfolios

The methodological framework defined above is then used to determine a company's climate alignment by comparing its future performance with a benchmark.

Strategic and methodological choices to be made :

  • Outputs: Implied Temperature Rise (ITR), degree of alignment, score, qualitative analysis
  • Time horizons: 2030, 2050 and every 5 years
  • Aggregation methods: weighting by property, income approach, weighted average, weighting by emissions, etc.

3. Set quantitative alignment objectives and develop tools to manage and report on "alignment-climate" metrics.

To obtain the portfolio's climate alignment, we need to determine the alignment of all issuers and aggregate the results at portfolio level.

Strategic and methodological choices to be made :

  • Communication on an alignment / reduction plan
  • How representative is the portfolio of the global economy?
  • Unbiased use of metrics for reporting purposes


The above solutions have been put in place to help players cope with the methodological limitations encountered in measuring their climate alignment.

However, according to Luc Olivier of LFDE, this metric cannot be the only impact measure used:

"The calculation of this metric remains an imperfect model. Indeed, it is based on a large number of assumptions, the calculation methodology of which varies according to the provider chosen. We therefore believe that this indicator cannot guarantee a fund's impact, and should be used as a complement to other strategies, in particular through the implementation of a strong and ongoing shareholder commitment." Luc Olivier, manager of Echiquier Climate Impact Europe at La Financière de l'Echiquier.

What are the main limitations in terms of data?

The main weakness of portfolio climate alignment methods is the lack of data. Data availability and quality vary from company to company and from sector to sector. It is therefore common to be confronted with missing or poor-quality data for a number of reasons:

  • Difficulty for companies to report data (e.g. scope 3 GHG emissions)
  • Data not available for some sectors
  • Errors in reporting non-financial data by companies

Points of attention for regulators:
- Take scope 1, 2 and 3 into account when calculating the alignment metric
- Be able to recalculate portfolio alignment once a year
- Source of data and portfolio coverage
- Reliability of data
- Management of missing data

Our recommendations:

1. Exclusion: it is advisable to exclude sectors or companies with too much missing data , as this can lead to an alignment result that is biased and out of touch with reality.

2. Penalize sectors or companies with too much missing data, for example, by assigning them a default score.

3. Start a dialogue with these companies.

4.implement data control :

  • Ex-ante: Cross-check data with different sources to ensure accuracy and replace missing data
  • Ex-post: Check alignment by sampling once a year, using sub-indicators

5. Indicate the portfolio hedging ratio.

6. Indicate if and how data is estimated.

However, data is not the only limitation associated with this metric. Indeed, Axa IM's Yolande Poulou explains the complexity of calculating this climate alignment:

"Several limitations exist in the methodology for calculating a company's alignment. On the one hand, there is a lack of sector granularity in relation to decarbonization, resulting in a model that is even more approximate than it was. Secondly, there is a lack of qualitative analysis of the targets and commitments announced by a company. Indeed, each company should be analyzed to ensure that its carbon reduction target is realistic and in line with its sector of activity. Finally, data quality remains a considerable limitation in the calculation of this metric, but this may improve with the SFDR regulation. " Head of Responsible Investment Tools, Models & Solutions at Axa IM

How can you integrate climate alignment metrics into your strategy with ESG Connect?

The Alignment-Climate module

For further details, please consult the appendices.

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