Monitoring and analysis

Regulatory requirements and clients demands mean that you need to construct, measure and monitor an ever-increasing number of sustainability indicators.

WeeFin saves you time in monitoring and analysing these indicators and ensures that you meet all your ESG obligations.

Business controls at your fingertips
and easier monitoring of alerts

Customisable controls

Automatic alerts
in the event of a breach

Monitoring changes in indicators

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Customisable controls

WeeFin makes it easy to monitor your sustainability strategy due to:
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Creation of customisable business controls at several levels: company, portfolio and investment.
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Access to a comprehensive library of controls (threshold, outperformance, outlier, variation, etc.)

Automatic alerts
in the event of a breach

Dashboards allow you to monitor alerts in the event of a breach:
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Instant alerts are sent via dashboards and can be viewed on each portfolio page (hedging, minimum S.I threshold, portfolio temperature, sector exclusions, etc.).
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The hierarchy of alerts can be customised to facilitate prioritisation
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Alert reports are generated to centralise breaches and facilitate auditability

Monitoring changes in indicators

WeeFin Platform allows you to monitor the indicators integrated into your sustainability strategy:

Dedicated interfaces

Dedicated interfaces allow you to manage indicators at several levels: portfolios, benchmarks, universes, issuers, etc.

Line-by-line display

A line-by-line display allows you to view the most granular indicators at security/third party level

Trend graphs

Trend graphs make it easy to view and report on chosen sustainability indicators.

Strategic functionnality
to help you achieve your sustainability objectives

Easier access to data

Managers find the information easier to access and make greater use of it.


Intuitive interfaces that enable
ESG teams to set up
controls in 2 minutes or less.

Reducing reputational risk

with automated alert reports that reduce the risk of a breach going undetected.

Related resources

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Our Response to the UK Green Taxonomy Consultation

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