ESG Connect

Our SaaS platform makes your life easier while improving the impact of your investments.

Data aggregation

A golden source offering optimum coverage:
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Automatic integration of data sources
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Guaranteed quality thanks to automated controls
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Matching algorithm to maximise the coverage rate


Customised indicator measurements:
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Access to a library to parameterize your methodologies
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Sandbox testing of advanced methodologies
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Keeping track of calculations
A piece of paper with a paper airplane next to it.

Monitoring and analysis

You control your business and monitor alerts more easily:
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Customisable controls
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Automatic breach alerts
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Monitoring changes in indicators


Easier production of reports in line with regulations:
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Automated regulatory reporting
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Production of customised reports
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Collaboration made easy

State-of-the-art features for advanced ESG analysis



A differentiating tool to test a strategy evolution.
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Modification of existing portfolios
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Creation of new portfolios
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Indicator tracking and alerts


A rigorous and auditable controversy management process.
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Automatic alerts in the event of investment controversies
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Analysis and decision-making process
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Direct link to shareholder engagement functionality


A formalised, facilitated and centralised
commitment process.
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Automated target monitoring
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Easier collaboration between teams
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Custom configuration

Expertise Hub

Resources to help you keep abreast of regulatory changes and best practices:
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Access to a wealth of ESG knowledge
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Direct contact with our team
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Support on regulatory compliance

Take advantage of WeeFin solution

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