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How do APIs make our ESG platforms more dynamic and efficient?

Many of you ask us about the details of the technological features of our Orion and ESG Connect platforms and whether we use APIs. This article aims to provide all the answers to your questions by first introducing APIs in a general way and then detailing their uses.
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Feb 16, 2021

Today, APIs are essential for building high-performance, scalable applications. But what is an API? How do they work? And how do we use them in our platforms?

An application programming interface

Simply put, an API is an Application Programming Interface. It enables applications to communicate with each other and exchange information according to predefined standards and conditions. The most important thing you need to know about an API is the list of functions it enables you to call up directly within a computer program, without knowing exactly how it works. In effect, an API exposes a service to another application, but does not frame the execution of the processing behind it.

The APIs we naturally think of are those that expose the services of the application to which they are attached. In the case of social networks, for example, the data in a Facebook publication is not the same as that in a Twitter publication, due to the structure of the publication, which is very specific to each social network. As a result, each network has voluntarily developed its own API to enable the exchange of data, making this programming interface central to the application's development strategy.

On the other hand, the service offered by an API may be of public utility. In this case, the API is standardized for widespread use by different players. Today, for example, open banking/DSP2 is a service offered by all banks and made possible thanks to the functionalities of payment APIs. Unlike Facebook, banks are obliged by regulation to develop these payment APIs, whose signature (i.e. the function contract) is standardized.

Please note:

  • An API is an interface for programs, not users, to interact.
  • Not all applications have APIs. It's up to the application itself to decide whether it wants to develop its business model around APIs. APIs can be open (free) or closed (paying), depending on the value provided or the volume of API use.

Here are a few concrete examples of APIs in our daily lives:

  • Deliveroo: the application has standardized the way you order food on the platform, regardless of the restaurant you choose, thanks to an API.
  • Yahoo Finance: the site has issued an API so that professionals can retrieve information on financial securities directly from the site to their work applications.

How a PLC works

There are several types of API: repositories, SOAP, REST... This article is not intended as a catalog of programming interfaces. If you'd like to know more about this subject, we invite you to read articles specifically devoted to the different types of API (such as this article or this video):

In this article, we'll be focusing on how the REST APIs we use in our platforms work . REST APIs were first developed in the 2000s, and have gained widespread acceptance in recent years thanks to their simple, flexible operation. They are web APIs, meaning that they operate via the Internet by means of calls in the form of http requests, the web's communication protocol.

More concretely, REST uses http requests (with the secure https version) via various methods, the main ones being: GET - PUT - POST - DELETE. In return for a request sent in the form of a URL link to the API, the latter will generate an action adapted to the method used during the request:

  • The action can cause a state change on the server using the POST method
  • Or send a data stream to the requesting application using the GET method.

This action can take different formats (JSON, XML etc.) depending on the choice of the API sender. For response integration, the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format is generally used, as it is lighter and less verbose than XML (Extensible Markup Language).

To learn more about how a REST API works, we recommend you watch this video.

Focus on ESG Connect APIs

ESG Connect is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform we have developed to democratize socially responsible investment by connecting data, teams and financial players.

We have integrated existing APIs to take advantage of services offered by other applications such as :

  • APIs created by our Cloud provider AWS to integrate the authentication service, for example (easy integration thanks to the Cognito API)
  • Yahoo Finance API for retrieving corporate financial information

At the same time, we developed our own APIs via the AWS API Gateway cloud service to enable the two existing parts of our platform to communicate.

As a reminder, a platform generally consists of the :

  • " Frontend " which refers to the elements of a site that we see on the screen and can interact with from a browser (search engine, tab). Technically, the elements visible on a website are a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • The " backend " is the submerged part of the iceberg. It represents a very large part of a web project, although it is invisible to the Internet user. The backend generally comprises three elements: a server (web hosting, calculation engine), an application (website, administration) and a database (a kind of spreadsheet for organizing data).

Our APIs enable the exchange of financial or non-financial data (structured or unstructured) between the two parties, which is then stored in a database (in our case DynamoDB, a NoSQL database). In more technical terms, the APIs enable data to be exchanged between Angular (the frontend) and our lambda functions (Python), which in turn communicate with DynamoDB.

Why would you want to integrate this data into such a database?

  • Data must not be fixed in an application. It must be possible to cross-reference, exploit and continuously feed data in a simplified, homogeneous way. Web services APIs are thus intermediaries enabling these interactions to be carried out on data from heterogeneous sources.
  • The main advantage of using APIs and web services is that they save time. Development times are reduced , as developers can take direct advantage of existing services without having to master the internal logic of the solutions they wish to exploit, or write programs. Mastering the API is enough, rather than the program in its entirety.

An example: integrating data from a new provider

The difficulty lies inintegrating any type of ESG data source (excel/pdf) in which the provider's information is contained, and then controlling the quality of this new data.

The first step is to define the parameters of the integrated data. At the outset of the project, we defined a set of data we wanted to retrieve from suppliers: ESG scores, ESG KPIs, Controversies, Screening, Climate (2° Alignment, etc.), SDGs, Commitment, Votes... (non-exhaustive list).

Parameters are defined according to the data source (for Excel, for example, we will select only the few columns containing the data we are interested in). The long-term objective is to standardize data processing for all suppliers.

Secondly, data is loaded and integrated into the database via the APIs we have developed.

Focus on Orion APIs

Orion is a platform for comparing the offerings of ESG data providers, currently listing over 60 suppliers. Thanks to this "TripAdvisor of ESG data", any user can find the supplier best suited to their needs in just a few searches.

To achieve this, we have used services exposed by various existing APIs, such as :

  • YouTube's API allows users to view our channel's videos directly on the platform without having to store the video in our database (via an html iframe).
  • Slack's API allows us to receive notifications on a communication channel exclusively dedicated to the platform. For example, when the button requesting additional information on a provider is triggered, every WeeFin member present on the channel receives a notification presenting the request. All members can respond on the channel to organize themselves and process the request quickly. This dynamic interaction is why we chose Slack over Gmail, for example.

We have also developed our own REST APIs to display on-screen the results of a user's search on the providers. The providers' catalog is based on a database stored in the cloud backend, whose information is fed back to the front end after each search via APIs.


In a nutshell, APIs are capable of collecting, processing and analyzing complex, unstructured data more optimallyand more quickly than in-house developments would have allowed.

APIs have facilitated the connection of multiple data sources and the integration of new services/features into our platforms, making them more dynamic and efficient.

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